



Emotion Regulation Protocol for Children and their Parents

Through Arts, Meaning and Values.






The Flexible Protocol is based on the cognitive behavior approach, combined with therapies in arts, positive psychology and the meaning of life theory. It provides a theoretical and practical infrastructure for therapeutic and educational work relating to emotion regulation with children.

The modules in the Protocol are:


2-Meaning and Values

3-Emotions: range of emotions, mixed emotions and role of emotions

4-Physical Sensations and Emotions

5-Thoughts, Thinking Traps and the Cognitive Model

6-Emotional Dynamics- intensity and duration

7-Difficulties and Support

8- Intra/Interpersonal Relationships

9-Parental Guidance Protocol


Each module includes a rationale and a purpose, examples of psycho-educational explanations and a range of ideas, games, forms and age- appropriate activities.

Playing CBT